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There are two different variation of maxi size. Small maxi scarves are measuring from anywhere between 75cm width x 170cm length. This size is ideal for people who are new to hijabs and don't have much experience wearing hijabs.
This size allows them to feel comfortable and doesn't give them a lot of material to manage.
The second variation is the standard size maxi hijabs. These measure from 80cm width x 180cm length. This is the most popular size at our store and we would recommend it as a go to hijab size

Similar to the maxi size range, our double maxi size range also consists of two variations.
Most of our double maxi size scarves will measure at 85cm - 90cm width x 180cm - 190cm. This scarves size is very popular with our customers, that prefer more material to work with when doing their hijabs. This is a very comfortable size to wear and manage. We highly recommended this size to anyone who wants a slightly bigger sized hijab.
The second variation in our double maxi range are scarves that measure from 90cm - 100cm width x 190cm length. These are called jumbo sized hijabs. Ideal for praying or um-rah/hajj purposes.